An Online Firefighting course allowing you to continue your day-to-day activities while embarking on a new career path and learning at your own speed on your own time.

This is the landing page, its a isomeritic view of a firefield training center, each of the buildings represent a section in the course.

Close up on the detail of the garage it was done all in Flash, so it could be exported out as vector.

This is the main "classroom view", the main content fills the left side with a video footer at the bottom. The right side is a chat engine that the students can communicate with each other. And a quick navigation for the items that are used the most.

Topics page to show progress in the course.
classroom view

Resource rooms - Get information about equipment, vehicles, etc.

A virtual fire house tour - takes you through all aspects of a fire house
Showcases the equipment for firefighers
A demo of all the features of the course.